
Hope you are well and that the terrible virus did not impact your life.

In this troubled period, we all have reconsidered life priorities and appreciated small things, the people we love to have to around, the value of loving ourselves.

Love turns 10th! In these 10 years I met many people, almost 25.000 according to my records.

But how many really have had an impact? How many persons I'd love to spend time with?

According to Pareto's principle, 20% of our friends makes 80% of our happy moments.

So, we decided to celebrate the 10th anniversary launching a new website, creating the Love Me Network and enjoying all together with an amazing party at Club Musica in Riccione with djs guests Tale of US.

If you are reading this email it means you are part of the circuit of people I personally chose.

A community, or better a family, made of people that are connceted by values and principles despite of their distant locations.

  • We believe in Love: love for ourselves, for our beloved ones and for the world we live in.
  • We believe in emotions that make us feel alive, most of all the emotions that we want to share with our loved ones.

I personally know you and we share the same values. For these reasons you are part of this group.

If you can attend the party on the 9th August, we will share beautiful moments and if you cannot in this special occasion, we will meet somewhere else in the world.

